Feeling anxious? Take a seat, grab your komboloi, and talk with a friend (from more than six feet away, of course — one day we will again sit as close to one another as these two palikaria, but not today).
That’s the name of a really popular singing show in South Korea. And here are two of the contestants, Hwang Geon-ha and Ko Young-Yeol, singing - wait for it - “Ti Pathos” by Giorgos Dalaras.
“The ramps for disabled people that smooth entry into many public buildings today aren’t a modern invention.”
Stonie is back with all your best bets and sure things, delivered with the style and flair that only an Oakland-born, Nashville-swingin’, Prince-loving Greek can produce.
And here’s a little bit of accompanying trivia for you. In which sport has William Pappaconstantinou (think there’s any chance he’s not Greek?) won world championships?
Oh, and check this out if you want to see how well Shaq speaks Greek. (Points for Shaq for even bothering to make the effort. How many other people who don’t speak Greek ever try to say, “Congratulations, I’m proud of you” in Greek? Not to mention on live television? Συγχαρητήρια, Shaq. Είμαι περήφανος για σένα.)
Whenever I see the word Minneapolis I think of Prince, but now I also think about generous Greeks. This edition’s Bravo Sou Award goes to St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church because when Covid-19 gave them lemons, they made avgolemono.
Ryan is back with the last of his three-parter about Ikaria. It’s powerful, provocative, beautiful, and poetic. It may change your life. (For real.)
If you are into things that change your life, you may want to develop an Ikarian honey habit.
Except, in this instance, it’s not by fraud or by force, but by raffle. A chance to win 63,000 sq ft in Crete for 2.63 USD.
“Unfortunately, I’ve never seen things more volatile in the eastern Mediterranean than right now.”
What do you get when two activists dress up and stand outside the British Museum? Hopefully, the Parthenon Sculptures back where they belong.
That’s what I used to hear all the time when Greek people were greeting my dad. You probably heard it all the time when people were greeting your dad, too. And your cousin. Someone should do the Greek version of Eminem’s classic “The Real Slim Shady.” Will Giorgos please stand up? One of my godbrothers and I used to play a game at Greek weddings and shout “Giorgo!” really loud and bet on how many guys would turn around. The over-under was thirteen. All that to say, here are the most popular names in Greece.
And speaking of names, here’s some more trivia for you. How many times in history have Greek letters been used to name hurricanes?
Sometimes Greek Americans make me so proud. Like the Greek America Corps, a group of young volunteers from throughout the U.S. who spent time in Greece this summer supporting the homeless in Athens and cleaning up beaches. Another Bravo Sou Award winner right here.
Okay, one last story before we go. We didn’t include this awe-inspiring story in our previous edition because we thought you would likely have seen it already by the time we published. But a couple of readers eagerly asked us to share it, so for those of you who may be on news fasts and somehow missed this, let’s just say that unicorns are real.
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Also, the Greece Is the Word podcast is going to drop soon. We'll be interviewing some amazing people in our community, so look out for that.
Peter and the Greece Is the Word Crew