Many who have neither lived in nor visited Greece during the winter are unaware that in some areas it snows… like here, in Ziria. (Photo Credit: Jason Blackeye @jeisblack)
“Greece may be the land of mythological heroes but I have met more than a few modern heroes too.”
Aglaia, can you find the receipt for my Greek-Illyrian helmet from the 4th century BC? I finally found the helmet (in Croatia, of all places), but I’m wondering if it’s too late to exchange it for something more Corinthian.
If you want to learn more about Ancient Greek helmets, but are pressed for time, then check out this video called “Ancient Greek Helmets Explained in 5 Minutes.”
Check out how Greek athletes Alexi Pappas and Giannis Antetokounmpo are stepping up and speaking out about life-or-death issues. Bravo Sou Awards for both of them.
That’s her name. She isn’t up to much, except for trying to save “the oldest living language in Greece—predating modern Greek by about 3,100 years—and one of the oldest languages in Europe.” Somebody get her a cape.
If a tree gets planted in a Greek forest...
If not, give Nick a call. He was “fed up with the poor quality of Chinese garlic,” so decided to grow his own (and everybody else’s in Australia, while he was at it).
According to scholars, one of the first people to record written historical accounts was Greek.
While we are on the subject of history, a new book about the history of modern medicine was just released. Spoiler alert: Modern medicine started in Greece.
Can you believe we are already on edition ten of Greece Is the Word? If that seems unbelievable, what would you say if we told you that this is already Stonie’s fourteenth video sharing all his sports-betting expertise with the world? Un-be-liev-a-ble. We publish Greece Is the Word twice a month, but Stonie releases his videos every single Friday. Subscribe to his channel now to make sure you never miss a single one. And then read his fantastic column highlighting the triumphs and challenges of Greek athletes and teams.
Rather than shutter his restaurant’s doors—possibly forever—during this COVID-19 pandemic, Paul Vagianos built greenhouses. Because after all, if you build it...
Greek American Tina Fey helped save a kayaker and Princess Diana’s Greek godson got married.
Find eco-friendly gear for infants, toddlers, youth, and adults—as well as mugs and gift cards—in our online shop. Make sure to click on the images to see all available color and size options.
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Stay healthy and stay safe! Καλές γιορτές! (Happy holidays!)
Peter and the Greece Is the Word Crew